What does it mean to be a Christian? That can be a difficult question to answer at any age! But for the youth growing up in a Christian family… it can be hard to find their own faith! Christian Strong grew up with deep religious values that were fostered by faithful family members. Yet as we grew, we chose our own way to honor the Lord and our beliefs. Religion is not one-size-fits-all and everyone needs to heed their own call. Our youth Christian long sleeve shirts are part of our line of garments meant for followers who wish to wear their faith. This brand of clothing was part of our choice: we wanted to give other Christians a way to show their love for the Lord but with modern flair and fashion! Our youth Christian long sleeve shirts allow the younger believers to display that they have made their choice. Sight unseen, they have chosen to believe in the glory of God! By obeying His rules and living through faith, a part of our Lord Jesus Christ will reside in our hearts! That is what these youth Christian long sleeve shirts show: they have accepted their faith and are a Christian! Christ-in you!