Dress For VBS

Vacation Bible School And You

VBS is a great time for kids to enjoy the summer with their friends.

Not only is it a place where they can hang out and eat snacks but it’s a great place to learn about the one truth.

For those of us with childhood summers spent wandering around with our church friends and learning to fully trust in God, these will always be magical times.

Why not try to capture some of the Vacation Bible School magic for your kids with these awesome designs ready for the summer season.

4 Shirts for Vacation Bible School

1.) He Is Greater Than I


This speaks the fundamental truth of the universe.

God is greater than we are.

God commanded the waters to part and spoke the earth into motion. He created Leviathan and Behemoth and tells lightning where it should go.

But he is also all compassionate and all loving. He cares for us deeply and holds us in his hands through the struggle.

That’s why he is greater than I.


2.) Faith Takes Courage


Trusting in God is not always easy.

Putting all of your faith in Jesus not takes trust but courage.

This is the perfect VBS tee for your child this summer.

Empower your child with this design and make sure that he knows that faith takes active courage.


3.) Enjoy Jesus Christ


A classic refresher combined with the ultimate refreshment.

This design is perfect for the summer season.

Enjoy a coke and enjoy the dog days that God has given you and your child.


4.) Under God Christian Tank Top


Finally, the perfect tank top for your child during VBS season.

This is a great way for your little guy or gal to keep cool in the summer and express their faith.

One nation under God. Your child will make it known that’s how it should be.


Dress In The VBS Spirit

VBS season is always fun. We all remember our first summer hanging out at the pool during the summer season.

Nothing beats playing summer games and learning about Jesus with your friends when you’re younger.

Let us know your favorite parts of VBS!

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