Get Up: Billy Graham is Now in that Cloud of Witnesses!
The Impact Of Billy Graham
The Reverend Billy Graham died at the age of 99 on February 21, 2018. Soon after hearing the news, I began feeling a sense of urgency to live a more selfless and obedient life for Jesus. It seems that I can feel a huge gap left by his departure to heaven.
Reverend Graham is world famous and for good reason. He was a phenomenal example for all of us. Although he was persecuted, he lived 100% free of scandal and adored his wife and children. Of all the people alive in my lifetime that I’ve either known personally or known about, he seemed to be the one who most embodied the character of Jesus.
What Billy Graham Had
A Passion for Souls
Billy Graham lived passionately and consistently for the gospel. He traveled extensively throughout the world, as God opened doors for him to share the Good News. He packed stadium after stadium. It’s conceivable that he led countless people to salvation through Jesus Christ. But more souls will continue to come to Jesus through Reverend Graham, since he left books and videos behind. His message is very reliable. His sermons were always free of political rhetoric. It seemed that the entire focus of his preaching was to introduce sinners to their Savior and bring life-changing conviction to souls.
A Pure Vessel
There was tremendous power behind Reverend Graham’s sermons. Coordinated prayer preceded all of his events. The impact he made on lives could fill many volumes, and yet he was very humble. Hollywood offered him opportunities to be in a film, and he turned them all down. A highly respected man of God, he met with every sitting President of the United States from President Harry Truman, in 1950, to Barack Obama.
One of the Witnesses from Heaven
Now that he has gone to heaven, I feel that I have an audience with the “Pastor to the Presidents,” too. Please don’t think I equate Billy Graham or any other person to God. That’s not the case at all. But I’ve already believed since I was saved at age 21 that my dad, who was already in heaven, is one of the witnesses in the cloud watching us like it says in Hebrew 12:1:
“There we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”
Now Billy Graham is up there, too. As such a faithful servant, I know that he is praying up there in heaven that we will run our races so that the will of God can be done on earth. The desire of God can be summed up in John 3:16.
I am thankful for the way Billy Graham lived and worked so that souls could be saved. More than ever, I’m praying to be mindful of those witnesses in heaven and run my race more like a competitor after an Olympic prize.