How to Tell a Hero’s Story


Being A Christian Hero

Some heroic firefighters are currently being honored at the theaters in a movie called Only the Brave, and it’s getting an A+ with audiences.

It’s exciting to see a true story about real life heroes being hailed as a cinematic success. What a great reminder it can be that Christians are supposed to be holding up Jesus for all the world to see.

Of course, we know that Jesus is the greatest hero to ever walk the earth. Because of Him, we get to escape literal fires of hell, after all.

What are the best ways to show Jesus to the world? Check out this list of 3 ways you can be a hero.

3 Ways You Can Be Tell A Hero's Story

1.) Introducing Jesus As Hero

There have been some great movies about Jesus. Some are shown routinely in places around the globe, to introduce peoples of other cultures and languages to the God of the Bible. 

The Jesus Film is the most watched movie in history. It has been viewed by billions of people, as a result of being widely used as an evangelistic tool. Countless thousands have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior after watching the film.

Introducing people to Jesus in the U.S. is a different kind of challenge since He is part of our culture. We celebrate His birth at Christmas, even though the message gets lost in all the hype surrounding Santa Claus and the joy of giving and receiving. An event featuring The Jesus Film, which was made decades ago, may not draw interest. So how do we go about telling the Good News of our Savior and hero?

2.) Empowered to be His Witnesses

Jesus told us to go and share the Good News of salvation. The secret is to allow the Holy Spirit within us to be our guide. If we regularly read and study the Bible, pray, and live for Jesus instead of following things of the world, we will be a witness without realizing it. The best preaching really is done without words. But the time does come when we need to use our words to tell how Jesus saved us and saves all who repent and believe in the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross for our sins.

3.) Be Ready

Sharing about Jesus in a culture that doesn’t welcome preachy Christians can be intimidating. It’s wonderful to remember that we don’t need to stress about it. Simply pray about it, live the life, and opportunities to share will come along. With the Holy Spirit guiding us, we can be sure the timing of giving witness to the heroics of Jesus is perfect.

Telling The Story Of Jesus

Jesus Christ is the true hero of our story. Through it all, He remains constant and true. Share his story with others and continue to be confident in his proclamation.

How are you going to share your story with the people that need to hear it most?

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