Remember, God is Stronger

Remember, God is Stronger

Remembering The Strength Of God

Your faith is not proved on top of the mountain, but in the valley. Faith strengthens you and enables you to climb to the mountaintop.

Trials are confusing and just downright difficult as most come when you least expect, making it is easy to want to quit.

But, I am here to tell you something:

No matter how hard life gets, no matter what happens, God takes what is broken, and he makes it wonderful because God is stronger.

The Big Grace Of God

That giant that is in front of you right now is never bigger than the God that is inside of you. 

We are constantly in a spiritual battle. We must constantly be on guard and attack the enemy with the everlasting armor of truth.

The enemy will tell you that you’re ugly, lack intelligence and creativity.

He will tell you your past defines you as he tries to lead you to believe his deceit instead of the truth that is in God’s word.

You are not defined by your past.

You are in Christ so the old is gone and the new has and is coming.

You are defined by what Jesus did for you on that cross. You can do all things through him, who gives you strength.

The truth is that the Lord’s goodness is enough for you, and your weakness is his strength.

Not only does he have plans for you, but those plans are wonderful and greater than you could ever imagine. My friends, know this, He teaches love even when Satan teaches hate. He fixes the seed of error that Satan plants.

He condemns the lies that are antithetical to whom God says you are. And He disciplines you in righteousness so you can see yourself and others as he sees.


Our Prayer Through God's Grace

Heavenly Father, we come to you together in a prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving for being our power against the enemy. Jesus led us on the path away from that evil and shows us the real truth — your truth.

Thank you for being our strength. Lordwe cannot wait to see the wonderful plans you have for us. Thank you for loving us. And most of all Jesus, thank you for dying on that cross for each and every single one of us.

We thank you, and we praise your name, shouting your praise as loud as we possibly can. In your name, we pray, Amen.

Click here to read more from Kristen Turner. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.


August 21, 2018 at 12:49

So true. Love your site.

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