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Meet Noah. He Warned People to Repent. Be Like Noah.

Meet Noah. He Warned People to Repent. Be Like Noah.

Back when Noah was building an enormous boat nowhere near water and before rain had ever fallen on the earth, he warned people to repent. He told them of the coming flood, which was the impending judgment of God. Tragically, only Noah and his family members survived the Great Flood. In the same way, at the moment Jesus returns, countless people will be going about their lives ignoring the message of the gospel. As Christians, we’ve been instructed to tell God’s story. The good news is that people love a good story.

3 Ways Jesus Makes Life Beautiful

3 Ways Jesus Makes Life Beautiful

June 11 is National Make Life Beautiful Day. It’s a time to show a kindness, help people achieve a personal goal, or pitch in for a worthy cause. As National Days go, this is a very nice one because it immediately makes me think of Jesus. He is the One who made my life beautiful when I was born again, and he has continued to do so every day. Believers who put their faith in Jesus have their lives made beautiful by Him. Below, learn more about how Jesus Makes Life Beautiful.