Cool Bible Happenings Worthy of Going Viral

Cool Bible Happenings Worthy of Going Viral

Teleporting is in the Bible. It’s a real thing that has actually happened on earth by the power of God! A man outrunning a chariot with horses over a long distance happened in the Bible, a donkey talked, and a fish provided tax money! We serve an all-powerful Creator who has unlimited capabilities. The coolest thing about it is that God allows us to be part of these miraculous events.


A “D” Word that’s Like a Dirty Word

A “D” Word that’s Like a Dirty Word

Have you ever wondered if Christianity is too easy and that’s why it doesn’t have a magnetic pull? Maybe it’s not supposed to be such a comfortable religion? At least, that’s a painful revelation I got today, seemingly out of nowhere but not really. It’s a message God has been trying to get me to pay attention to, but I’ve had a lot of strategies for going around it, which amounts to disobedience. But “disobedience” is not the “four-letter” “D” word this article is about. The word is: Discipline.
Assurance that You Are God’s “Valentine”

Assurance that You Are God’s “Valentine”

God is love, we find in 1 John 4:16b, but few understand that God adores each one of us so much as to theoretically claim us as His beloved Valentines. Such a revelation may only come as we Christians walk with God. His love for us is the theme of the entire Bible, revealed through every reference and foreshadowing of Jesus. The following are a few Biblical passages that show in the very first of the 66 books how loved we are by our heavenly Father.

Valentine’s Day Version of WWJD?

Valentine’s Day Version of WWJD?

  “What would Jesus do?” (WWJD) is a great question to ask, including on Valentine’s...
What do Scriptures Say about Cheating on our Taxes?

What do Scriptures Say about Cheating on our Taxes?

Paying taxes to a government run by career politicians who don’t seem to answer to the people anymore can be galling, but God provides clear direction on the topic. Jesus paid taxes and we are expected to, as well. If we aren’t careful, we could easily fall into the trap of cheating on taxes because “everyone does it” or because we believe we aren’t likely to get caught. The following scriptures provide God’s point of view on paying taxes.
4 Great Activities for Christian Fun in Winter Snow

4 Great Activities for Christian Fun in Winter Snow

Even the warmest areas of the country are getting a solid dose of winter in the next few days, thanks to an arctic blast. It’s a great opportunity to have winter fun, something many scriptures indicate God smiles upon. In Ecclesiastes 3:4, we find that there is a time to laugh and a time to dance. Having fun in snow seems to fit with having a glad heart (Proverbs 15:13). Below are some winter activities ideal for young and young-at-heart Christians.