8 Ways To Keep Jesus With You All Summer Long

keep jesus with you all summer long with these tips

It's officially summertime - it's the time for the kids to relax and time to soak up the sun. Despite the carefree nature of the summer, there are still many ways to keep Jesus with you no matter what you do. Here are 9 ways to keep him close to your heart always during the summer months.


1.  Go To Church On The Beach
If you live near a beach, the summer is the perfect time to head to a shore-side early morning church service. There is no way to feel closer to Jesus than with the wind blowing through your hair, the waves crashing around you, and the choir in the background. Churches on the beach vary by state and location, so be sure to check your listings for churches in your area.

2.  Head On A Christian Vacation
Looking for a vacation spot where you can stay close to God? There are tons of places inside and outside of the USA that feature Jesus' history and spirit. A Christian cruise will allow you to meet new people that also share the same faith as you. If you're feeling more historical, a European Reformation Tour in several countries is for you. Feel like staying close to home? Orlando offers a biblical tour. Satisfy the travel bug you have and get away with Jesus.

3. Send Your Children To Christian Summer Camp
You want to send your kids to camp but you want to be sure that they're also getting an education. The United States is packed with summer camp programs that they will love. Vacation Bible School is great for your little ones, while you can search for many great sleepaway camps that the older children can enjoy. Need a few reasons why you should send them to camp? Check out our blog post here!

4. Give Back To Others
Charity is a huge part of being a Christian, so it's no surprise that you must give back this summer. Jesus will love that you are being so selfless - just like him. Whether you're volunteering at the soup kitchen, the ASPCA, or with underprivileged children, you and Christ will be bonded by your selfless image.

5. Bring A Friend To Church
You already know that Jesus is your lord and savior, so why not spread that love to someone else. If you believe you have the time, spreading his message is doing God's work. Hopefully, they will become as enlightened as you are!

6. Attend A Concert
From country artists to Christian singers, the Lord is a constant figure in music. Instead of just listening to it on the radio, why not try to tune in live? Summer is the time for outdoor concerts. Check your local paper or the internet to see who is stopping by your local venue. Don't forget to check out theme parks  - artists may stop by for a free concert with park admission!

7. Repent, Forgive, And Forget
We all hold grudges. Even when we don't want to, we often do. However, as Christians, we must learn to forgive like Jesus. Keep it together with the Lord when you forgive anyone you've held resentment towards this summer. Christ will love you for it and you'll be proud of yourself for doing it!

8. Go On A Mission Trip
Volunteer on a whole other level when you head on a mission trip. When you're doing the Lord's work, you'll feel like a superhero. From building houses in Haiti to working with children in Estonia, you'll learn the reason people come back from mission trips with a smile. Giving back is something Jesus would be proud of!

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What will be your way to feel strong with Jesus during the summer? Share with us below!

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