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Many schools disallow things such as Christians praying at school, not knowing that they are denying the students their legal rights. There has been a lot of confusion in the past decade or two about what is and isn’t allowed, with regards to religious freedoms. See below for clarification about students' rights in expressing Christian faith.
How to Show the World what Jesus is Like

How to Show the World what Jesus is Like

Only Bible-believing Christians can truly understand how badly the world needs Jesus. The truth is...
How Powerful is Prayer?

How Powerful is Prayer?

Prayer is one of the greatest parts of being a Christian. Persistent believing prayer is an unstoppable force, and the benefits of believing prayer are the stuff of dreams.
For children growing up as churchgoers, going to church summer camp has been as natural as the sunrise in the morning. There are some truly great benefits of going to church summer camp , and the following are just a few of them.
Keep Cool This Summer with Christian Trends  

Keep Cool This Summer with Christian Trends  

For all the things that make us hot this summer, we can lean on Jesus and keep our cool! Wearing the perfect Christian t-shirt is one of the best ways around to chill.
5 Godly Principles and Bible Verses for Father’s Day

5 Godly Principles and Bible Verses for Father’s Day

Fathers have a special role that is truly irreplaceable, making Father’s Day especially meaningful for many families. Any family with a dad who loves God and applies godly principles to his parenting is exceedingly blessed. Here are some perfect godly principles and Bible verses for Father's Day.