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Why We Love VBS?

Why We Love VBS?

Vacation Bible School (VBS) has been a summer staple for churches everywhere for many decades, but why? What is that we love so much about VBS? The fact that it’s all about reaching children with the Good News of the Gospel is evidence enough that motives behind all the effort are good.
5 Reasons God Is Good This Memorial Day

5 Reasons God Is Good This Memorial Day

Over the holiday weekend, take some time to reflect on these five reasons God is good, all of which also happen to be shirts you can wear to share the Good News on Memorial Day.
Memorial Day weekend can serve to remind us of heroes who have died so that the citizens of the U.S.A. can continue in the blessings of freedom.There is a lot to be grateful for this Memorial Day Weekend.

How Not to be Spiritually Naked

God has given born-again believers incredible power, but there’s no “Easy” button for tapping into it. We receive power, as it says in the Bible, when God’s Spirit comes upon us. What we are to do with the power is to be witnesses of Jesus Christ on the earth.

What to Do With A New Beginning From Jesus

As a 21-year-old, a fresh start is what I wanted more than anything because life was empty and I didn’t like the way I had failed to live up to my own standards. Long story short, I came to know Jesus and got more of a fresh beginning than I imagined possible. 

Christian Beliefs are Mocked…Again, but Alas! Freedom!

Benjamin Glaze, a hopeful on the new American Idol, said that he had never kissed a girl. Then he said that it had to be with someone special he is in relationship with. Idol judge Katy Perry then called him to come immediately to her, and she wanted a kiss.