Blog Filter By inspirational hoodie

Jesus Came to Serve and So Does the Waitstaff

Jesus Came to Serve and So Does the Waitstaff

May 21 is National Waitstaff Day, a day created to inspire people to show appreciation to servers, and it’s a great time to remember that Jesus came to serve. The type of service you get at a restaurant can make or break your experience even more than the taste of the food. Waitstaff really are special people, and the number one reason is that they do what Jesus came on earth to do—serve others. Christians can make a difference in the world by serving and appreciating those who se
What Do Jesus and Charlie the Tuna have in Common?

What Do Jesus and Charlie the Tuna have in Common?

April 6 is National Sorry Charlie Day and a perfect opportunity to point out that rejection isn’t always a bad thing. The mascot of this national day is Charlie the Tuna, a cool fish who was repeatedly rejected by SunKist. As a result, he didn’t have to die right away to become canned tuna. Jesus was rejected and died on the cross, making it possible for us to never die! If The best possible proof that rejection isn't always bad is the fact that Jesus, the most amazing person who ever walked the earth, was rejected.
4 Great Activities for Christian Fun in Winter Snow

4 Great Activities for Christian Fun in Winter Snow

Even the warmest areas of the country are getting a solid dose of winter in the next few days, thanks to an arctic blast. It’s a great opportunity to have winter fun, something many scriptures indicate God smiles upon. In Ecclesiastes 3:4, we find that there is a time to laugh and a time to dance. Having fun in snow seems to fit with having a glad heart (Proverbs 15:13). Below are some winter activities ideal for young and young-at-heart Christians.
Helps for and Benefits of Reading the Entire Bible

Helps for and Benefits of Reading the Entire Bible

Because of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Bible comes alive for believers. To read God’s Word from cover to cover may seem an unreasonable goal, for anyone with a busy life. The truth is, though, that many people read the whole Bible year after year. It’s totally doable, and the following are among the benefits of reading the entire Bible plus some helpful resources.
Top 6 Reasons Christmas is Awesome

Top 6 Reasons Christmas is Awesome

Can’t get enough of Christmas? That’s understandable. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year—not a mindless cliché! Even though it’s a tough season for some people, Christians make that an occasion to bring light into darkness. Cheering people with kindness and generosity is the best part of any year. The following are six of many reasons Christmas is awesome.
5 Cool Things About Being Christian

5 Cool Things About Being Christian

The coolest things about being a Christian can change, depending on what’s going on in...